Next to the Gasmask as a protective device, german
soldiers were issued with skin and weapon decontaminants.
One of the skin decontaminants was
These were blister gas decontamination tablets and were issued in a
brown bakelite box which contained 10 tablets.
It was a skin applicant against the effects of mustard gas (Senfgas)
The dimensions of the box are
aprox. 7,6 x 2,5 x 1,5 cm
For easy identification of the
production date, the bakelite boxes had different colours of tape:
- 1940: red tape
- 1941: black tape
- 1942: light green tape
- 1943: yellow tape
- 1944: unknown
- 1945: unknown
Losantin was introduced in
1935 by H.M. 141 from march 14, 1935 to replace the "Chlorkalk"
that was used

141. Decontamination material and
skin-protection agent
1. Under the former conditions the need
for technical bleaching powder was ensured with local firms (except for
troops of W.K. 1).
In the course of the fiscal year 1935, the demand of the entire Army for
decontamination material (Losantin 12 in stead of bleaching powder) is
acquired and transferred to the appropriate units, who, according to
A.N. are entitled to.
Ensuring the demand of bleaching powder locally is therefore no longer
Nr. 51 of H.Dv. 488/9 and the appropriate
number of the implementation regulations of the „Sollübersicht für
Gasschutzgerät“ (compare HM 34, P.32, No.126) should be deleted by
pointing to this order.
The issue of cover pages is reserved.
2. “Skin-protection agent“ (as
replacement for the former „packs of bleaching powder“) are to be
distributed according to attachment A of the A.N. Heer (number 38 of
Material Breakdown), and to H.Dv. 488/9 No. 50, only in case of demand.
They also could not be ensured by the Troops until now.
In the near future the bleaching powder, which was prescribed until now,
will be replaced by a better and store-proof skin-protection agent in
the form of tablets. Its introduction, procurement and allocation to the
troops will be accomplished during the next year.
The troops therefore have nothing to arrange in obtaining the
skin-protection products.
Chief of Army Command, March, 14, 1935,
AHA/In 4 IV b.
Below the front side of a 1943
issue Losantin Box
Nur äußerlich anzuwenden !
Nicht in Augen und Mund und auf die
Geschlechtsteile bringen ! Nach Ge-
brauch Losantinbehälter mit dem Kle-
bestreifen wieder dicht verschließen.
Skin decontamination
Only use on outer skin !
Do not apply to Eyes, Mouth or on
Genitals ! After use properly
seal Losantinbox with the use
of adhesive strip |
and the back side of the same

Anwendung: Täfelchen in
hohlen Hand zerdrücken und mit
etwa gleicher Menge Wasser oder
Speichel einen Brei bereiten. Den Brei
auf der vergifteten Stelle mehrfach
leicht verreiben. Nach etwa 10 Minuten
Brei abspülen oder feuch abwischen.
Use: Crush Tablet in open
hand and mix with the same ammount of water
or saliva to a paste. Rub the paste a few
times over the affected area.
After about 10 minutes remove paste with
water or rinse with moist. |
Every man was issued with 4
boxes of Losantin
which had to be kept in the breast pockets of their uniform
and not in the Gas mask cannister !!
für die Ausbildung
im Gasabwehrdienst
Division Nr. 188
Losantin containers dated
from 1935 up to 1945 !
note, as of 1941, the maker marks
are 2 / 3 letter codes


And below, detail
picture of the 1945 one


On the left the inside of the
The tablets are no longer intact,
only a powder like substance
How to use the Losantin
The following was copied from the
Gasschutzleitfaden, a german manual which
shows information about the use of the Gasmask etc.

Das Hautentgiftungsmittel
ist voll wirksam
bei Anwendung innerhalb von 5 minuten. Später nur
Abschwächung der Vergiftung möglich.
Sobals Hautrötung aufgetreten ist, darf
mittel nicht mehr als Brei aufgetragen werden.
Behandlung mit Seifenwasser ist länger möglich bis
zum Beginn der Blasenbildung.
Skin decontamination
The skin decontaminant (Losantin tablets) (outside
use) is fully functional
when used within 5 minutes. After that the
contamination is only weakened.
As soon as the skin turns red, the skin
decontaminant may not be applied as
a paste.
Treatment with soap water can be applied longer
until blisters are formed

1. Kampfstoffspritzer abtupfen, nicht abwischen
Tupfer vernichten.
1. Dab off spatters of agent. do not wipe
destroy swab.

2. Tablette der Hülle entnehmen.
2. Take the Tablet out of the box.
( * note the Losantin box sticking out of the left
breast pocket )

3. In der Hand zerreiben und zu Brei anrühren.
3. Crush in hand and make into paste.

4. Brei auf abgetupfte Stellen streichen, mit
leichtem Druck in
die Haut einreiben, mindestens 10 - 15
Minuten sitzen lassen,
dann abwaschen. Warmes Wasser, Seife oder Soda sind günstig.
4. rinse paste on dabbed area, rub with light
pressure in the Skin,
leave paste on for at least 10 - 15 minutes, wash
Warm water, Soap or soda are preferable.
Hautentgiftungssalbe (41)
As of 1941 soldiers also were
issued the so called Hautentgiftungssalbe as a replacement for the
(although Losantin was issued until the end of the war)
This skin decontamination ointment
came in orange plastic (not bakelite) bottles which were
packed in a carton box (which was plastified)
The carton box also contained 6
cotton swabs to apply the ointment
As with the Losantin boxes, this
item was to be carried in the breast pocket of the uniform
Below the carton box with its
The text on the outer carton reads:
auf den Innenbehälter
which means
Skin -
decontamination ointment
Read the instruction on inner case


I've tried to translate
the instructions:
1. Agent has to be removed
from skin directly (dry "cloth" or newspaper)
2. Container up side down, shake down firmly twice, unscrew cover. Push
sides to extract ointment.
3. Apply thin layer (three drops for a surface with the size of a
dogtag) Rub in for 5 minutes and remove (by washing) after a couple of
4. Clean cover and carefully close container.
5. Ointment can be used on private parts with the exception of the front
part ( ;) I really don't know the english word for that)
(just rub in lightly)
Don't use on nose, mouth, eyes or on skin that is already contaminated
(red skin, blisters)

The underside of a
bakelite container is shown
The maker mark (dsu =
Rheinische Gummi- u. Celluloid-Fabrik, Mannheim-Neckarau) is shown, and
the date of production.
Probably the "melted in"
date (XI / 43) is the date (november 1943) the container was filled

Here the underside of the carton box is
The word HAUT means skin
The maker mark ddf is clearly shown
(Lohmann-Werke A.-G. , Bielefeld)