On the cannister that is
shown below, leather reinforcements slides on the straps
are visible which in German are called "Verstärkungsschieber"
These slides are installed to
prevent wear of the straps and were introduced in 1936

Below the 1st model of the slides
is shown.
The dimension of the slides is 8 x
2,8 cm. and they have 4 slits


On the left the maker mark of the slides are shown
Otto Stephan
Mühlhausen, Thür.
The slides were introduced by an
order dated september 8, 1936 (H.M. 1936. Nr. 585)

585 . Reinforcement slides (from
leather) for shoulderstrap and buttonstrap for the carrying can for
Gasmask 30.
To prevent the scouring of the straps (new production) on the eyes of
the carrying can 30, leather reinforcement slides for shoulderstrap and
buttonstrap are introduced.
Designation : >> Reinforcementslides (from
leather) for shoulderstrap and buttonstrap for the carrying can for
Gasmask 30.
Short Deisgnation : Reinforcementslides GM30
Material Classification : 38
Equipment Category : Ch.
Request Mark : Ch 621.
Every carrying can needs 3 reinforcement slides
The troops are equiped with the reinforcement slides without further
The inclusion of the reinforcement slide in the
appendix of A4402 page b, will be done later.
German Army High Command
September 8, 1936
The method of installing the slides is explained in
the Gasschutzleitfaden
from Dr.-Ing Scholle

Picture 5: Mounting of the reinforcement slides
The reinforcement slides are a) put round the
loops then b) sewn together with a few stitches close to the
The straps are then pulled through like shown in c)
Also the slides are mentioned in the H.Dv. 395/2a
(Heeres Druckvorschrift) from april 11, 1939 which describes the
Gasmask 30.

12. The cannister is for transporting the gasmask, but not for its
storage (51).
On the can, the shoulderstrap, and the button strap with hook to
attach to the equipment belt, are buttoned to special eyelets.
On the shoulderstrap and button strap, leather reinforcement slides
are attached on the place where they touch the cannister. They are
installed to prevent the scouring of the webbing straps. To retain them
in the cannister eyelets, the ends are sewn together with a few stitches
(without stitching the shoulderstap).
In the end of 1940, the method of stitching prooved to
be inadequate,
so the method of installing the slides was improved.
Therefore a 5th slit had to be made in existing
examples, while newly made ones were
equiped with a 5th slit as can be seen in the examples below.

The change has been published in the Heeres
Verordnungsblatt from 1941, section C, number 12

12. Reinforcement
slides for shoulderstrap and buttonstrap for the carrying can for
Gasmask 30.
1. To avoid the
neccessary stitching of the ends of the slides (according to H.Dv.
395/2a nr. 2, par. 2) the following method can be used :
The reinforcement slides can be equiped with
an aditional slit, through which the shoulderstrap can be put
according to the added sketch. (*1)
It is possible now to adjust the shoulderstrap
with a simple pull without moving the reinforcement slide.
The newly to be made reinforcements slides
already will have this additional slit.
2. In the booklet »
Merkblatt über Gasabwehr « from Major (Ing) Dr.-Ing.
R. Scholle, that is provided with the set gas protection supply (Gasschutzvorrat),
a handwritten remark is to be added on page 17 for the description
on the application of the reinforcement slides. (*2)
3. A cover page for H.Dv.
395/2a will be issued later (*3)
O.K.H. (Ch. H. Rüst u. BdE), december 27, 1940
(*1) Anlage zur
H.V.Bl. 1941, section C, Nr. 12

(*2) Page 17,
Merkblatt über Gasabwehr

On the left, the additional remark can be seen.
The text reads:
Die Verstärkungsschieber ist mit einem zusätzlichen Schlitz zu
(siehe H. V. Bl.1941 Teil C Ziffer 12).
The reinforcement slides us to be equiped with an additional slit
(see H. V. Bl. 1941, part C, number 12)
(*3) Deckblatt für
H.Dv. 395/2a (cover page handmade)

Naturally, the change made it's way through the
manuals, so this is the page from
the Gasschutzleitfaden, erweiterte Ausgabe

And to complete the series here the pages from the
official H.Dv. 395/2a
(Die Gasmasken 30 und 38) from december 1, 1941

15. The cannister is for transporting the gasmask, but not
for its storage (55). On the can, the shoulderstrap, and the
button strap with hook to attach to the equipment belt, are
buttoned to special eyelets.
On the shoulderstrap and button strap, leather reinforcement
slides are attached on the place where they touch the cannister.
They are installed to prevent the scouring of the webbing
To prevent the slides from slipping out of the eyelets of the
cannister when rearranging the shoulderstrap, the slides are to
be installed as shown on picture 34. Fot this purpose they are
equipped with 5 slits, through which the shoulderstrap has to be
pulled. As far as slides with 4 slits, on which the ends are
sewn together, still exist, the fifth slit has to be added
only then when the sewing gets loose.

Apparently, the slides are discontinued in 1942 by a
Luftwaffe Verordnung
LV 42. No. 1641 dated 17 June 1942,
but unfortunately this cannot be backed up by a
document, so if someone has this document
please contact me